3D House of Nuclear Waste

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The 3D House of Nuclear Waste is the software development arm for Ronald King.

Mr. King has been developing software for engineering, business, and as a hobby for more than (well many) years. Not to date him too much, but some original work was done using Assembly Language on machines you cannot buy anymore. He had a goal to develop a video game for years, and finally had the time. The result is:

The King of the Hill

A video game for Windows

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The King of the Hill game is a somewhat retro mashup of an RPG and a card playing game with elements of a text adventure. With hundreds of visual assets and over a gigabyte of professional music and sound effects, it recreates the nostalgia of an old school video game from the heyday of microcomputers, with a touch of modern influence.

The Known Lands are a place of diversity. There are White and Black Pieces, Living and Undead, and Dwarves, Elves, and Humans. Each with their own attributes and capabilities. Your only goal is to defeat your opponent’s 9th level King.
Splash Screen Image
Prepare your Piece for combat. You chose your champion and their opponent. Be sure to pay attention to the Environment as each Piece Type is affected by the Weather, Time of Day, and Location of combat in different ways.
Prepare Page Image
Equip your champion by purchasing armor, weapons, potions, spell books, and other items from the Store with Gold. Each of your Pieces has their own Backpack and they all share a Community Chest for storing the Items they might need in the next battle.
Equipment Page Image
Items such as weapons, armor, amulets, and rings can provide modifiers to your Piece’s attributes and some even affect your opponents in different ways. The same goes for the Environment, such as weather or location. Rumor has it that some Legendary items can only be found on dead opponents, and they have stories to tell.
Equipment Page Image
Train your Pieces to improve their attributes with Skills purchased with Skill Points earned by defeating your opponents.
Skill Tree Page Image
Enter Combat against your opponent. Combat is performed through a series of rounds by playing cards (drinking potions, weapon attacks, defensive stances, and spells) against your opponent. If your opponent’s health goes to Zero, you win, if your Piece’s Health goes to Zero you lose. Defeating opponents provides Gold for future purchases, Experience Points to use for Leveling-Up, and Skill Points for additional training.
Combat Page Image
Defeat Undead opponents to Loot their equipment. Use it for your current Piece, pass it on to another, or sell it back to the Store for more Gold.
Loot Page Image
While your only goal is to defeat your opponent’s 9th Level King, there are many activities you can complete to improve your Completion percentage. The higher your completion, the more Gold you get to start the next game.
Completion Page Image
Track your Completion of various activities, like the types of weapons, armor, and other equipment you find in the Known Lands
Completion:Items Page Image
As you finish various Completion activities, you can learn more about the nature and history of the Known Lands.
Completion:Map Page Image
The King of the Hill game includes a comprehensive Help section that describes all user interfaces, game concepts, and the various attributes Pieces may have.
Help Page Image

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